about lindsay


Lindsay is a Certified 500 Hour Yoga Teacher, trained in NYC, specializing in vinyasa, meditation, pranayama, and trauma-informed yoga.

In Sanskrit, the word “yoga” translates as “union.” When we practice, this can mean many things: the union of breath and movement, mind and body, left and right, and so on. For Lindsay, the question is not which is the definitive union of yoga, but which one are you focusing on today?

Through her own practice and years of study, Lindsay has come to understand that yoga is more than a physical practice, and because of that, it is accessible to all people.

Lindsay’s yoga journey began with a Rodney Yee DVD, continued through college via an accredited course, and eventually found its way into a yoga studio in NYC where she took her first Teacher Training. It was here that she truly began to develop her current understanding of Yoga as a means of healing.

As we move through uncertain times, with no clear vision of what the future may hold, Lindsay has found that through her yoga practice she is able to find peace and freedom by searching within, rather than looking for those things in the world around her. She wishes to share this knowledge and give these tools to those that seek them.

trainings & certifications
